Sunday, May 23, 2004

Bayesian filtering for my e-mail!

I have just installed bayesian filters for my e-mail address!

In case you are out of the loop, these are a group of revolutionary programs which weigh each individual e-mails that you receive, and decide after a careful evaluation of the words inside the e-mail, whether it is spam, or legitimate e-mails. What's more important, it is also trainable, which means that you can tell it what types of e-mails are spam, and which are not.

Studies have shown that it has at least a 98% chance of filtering out true spam, and a low percentage of filtering out (by accident) false spam, which makes it an ideal tool in the fight against increasing spam!

It is my first day using these filters, and they have already started to prove their worth. I am using POPFile ( which enables me to classify all my e-mails according to their individual characteristics (and you thought bayesian filters were limited to sorting out spam?). So now e-mails which are comments from my blogs end up in one folder, forum posts in another, discussion newsletters in another, and finally, one mega rubbish bin for spam.

In fact, there are many varieties of these programs, and you should try it out if you can. They can save you, and probably you company (if you want) plenty of headache and time.
Here is a free program for Microsoft Outlook users to help you get started.

SpamBayes (

POPFile also contains plugins for Hotmail users who like to download their e-mails onto their computers: (However, you need some expertise to set it up. Only my personal friends get to ask me for help in setting it up!)

POPFile (


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